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LE LANGAGE DES IMAGES perception et répresentations mentales : une démarche systemique.

perception et répresentations mentales : une démarche systemique.
atelier long conduit par Giancarlo Cavinato et Lori Zanetti ( M.C.E., Italie)

Our eyes don’t reproduce automatically reality as photos do, they don’t limit themselves to translate objects in images; they send, through nervous stimulations, information to the brain and it does hypothesis and transforms stimuli in objects images.

At the same time at the level of perceptive and sensorial activity, there is a process of building, that,  as suggest Freinet pedagogy,  is an active pedagogy.


Our workshop proposes to play  with images, representations,  constructions that refer to deep structures set in the collective imagination (circle, square, triangle, maze, tree ...)

through :


• the exchange of the relationship of the figure and their  backgrounds in producing other figures

• the discussion of the evidence, of the 'natural' through the paradoxes and the surprise effects

• The disintegration of stereotyping

• the expansion of the perceptual field to make more  flexible and elastic the representation of reality.
• the  manipulation of natural materials to create representations that correspond to a knowledge organization less rigid.


 Our hypothesis is that the systemic approaches that takes advantage from the Gestalt theory, the ecology of knowledge and research in neuroscience, could allow this expansion and a new perspective and social learning both by changing the vision reality.



à peu-près 20 participants, mais on peut accueillir jusqu’à 30-35 s’il y a des personnes qui veulent participer