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Recherche: The RIDEF’s newspaper and website, Wednesday july 28th

5 results


The webmaster

Thanks to Claude we have a website for the RIDEF and due to the newspaper he had well prepared, every delegate at the RIDEF Nantes has his own code to write and translate.

Bonne cuisine

Merci beaucoup à l'équipe de la cuisine pour les repas très appétissants.

Bravo pour la diversité des repas.

The Swedish RIDEF Participants

Here two of the twenty Swedish RIDEF delegation. Ulf Pahlsson and Lena Augustsson work with nine other RIDEF participants in the same Freinetschool in Goteborg.

And what do we do now with the RIDEF website?

The RIDEF website will not end on the night of 29 July. We will continue to feed it. How?